Cheers to having an unexpected breakthrough, am I right? Uff da.
Initially I started out wanting to do a post on how to not define your life based on other people, but as I kept writing, I noticed my tone and ideas were changing a bit. I decided to follow the words even if I didn’t know where they would lead, so this is the breakthrough that I unexpectedly just had. Enjoy:
Ugh, this is so freaking hard sometimes.
It can be so much easier to go with the flow of what other people are thinking, wanting and doing. But it’s so not worth it to live your life like that, right?
Sometimes I still find myself wondering what other people are thinking of the choices I’m making and the things I’m doing with my life. What if other people think I’m weird or crazy or a freak? What if people finally figure out what a weirdo I am and then they never talk to me again?
I think my deepest fear still is being an outcast. I was bullied for so much of my life that I feel like that mindset is still really ingrained in me, even though I’m so much more secure and confident now than I’ve ever been before.
I still worry about being “found out” for who I really am: someone who isn’t worth knowing.
As a self-love blogger and advocate, that’s really hard and scary to admit. I’m all about fighting for your own self-worth, but as I’m still learning on this personal development journey of mine, it’s harder to consistently fight for those things for ourselves.
Anyone else out there feel what I’m saying? Whether you do or don’t, I know this is something that I need to get out of my brain and soul.
I still get really nervous that what I’m doing and saying is weird and that I’m not worth knowing or sharing any meaningful messages of any kind.
Whew, my ego does not like me sharing all of this. I think a lot of this has been stuck inside me for so long that I don’t even know how long it’s been.
As we all know, imposter’s syndrome is a real thing, and even if we think we’re over that, we might not be just yet. And that’s okay. The important thing is to recognize that and be mindful of it as we continue on in our journeys.
I’ve noticed that more of my posts lately have been about self-worth, and now I’m learning that that’s no coincidence. I was thinking that other people need to hear that, but deep down I know now that I need to hear it all, too.
You’re never quite done on your personal development journey. You may go through breakthrough after breakthrough, but there may still be more on the horizon for you to go through. And that’s okay.
You are worth every single breakthrough that you have already gone through or will need to go through. You are worth it. You are worth everything.
It’s not selfish to focus on yourself instead of being preoccupied with what other people could possibly be thinking or doing.
Who cares what other people are doing when you could be figuring out who you are and what you really want out of life, regardless of how weird someone else might think it all is?
Honestly, life is too short for this shit. Honor yourself and what you want, and forget the rest.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash