I believe the word “never” needs to be banned from our vocabulary, or at least the voices in our heads. It’s so prevalent in or society, and I really wish it wasn’t. For example:
- I’ll never understand that.
- I’ll never be able to do that.
- I’ll never go there.
- I’ll never be able to visit there.
Hey, everyone! Stop limiting yourself! By saying things like this to ourselves all the time, we hold ourselves back. There may be some things in life that we might not accomplish for one reason or another, but we can do much more than we think we can.
I used to think I would never be let go from a job, and now I’ve been let go from two and I’m really grateful about that.
I used to think I would never be anything except a journalist, and now that’s the last thing I want in my career.
The list goes on. There are things I thought I would never do or want in life but are now the opposite, and I’m really grateful for that.
Make a list of the “nevers” in your life. What have you been telling yourself that you won’t achieve or accomplish? Do you actually believe those things? Do you want to believe that anymore?
It’s about opening up our minds and not limiting ourselves before we even get started. There are a lot of factors and sometimes other people that may hold us back in life, but I don’t want ourselves to be included in that metaphorical list.
So make that list and let go of old stories you used to tell yourself about what you can or can’t do in your life. Really rethink those stories, see if they still apply in your life and remove them if they don’t. You never know how good that might feel 😉
Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash