I’ve tried to set and make schedules for myself on this blog, but they always end up falling through somehow.
I write when I feel inspired, and then I end up feeling bad if nothing has inspired me when I “need” to be posting something.
I totally understand why consistency is important, but honestly at this point in my life, I don’t give a shit about that.
I’m not going to follow arbitrary rules for what I should be posting when. Sure, doing that may make me a more consistent and perhaps successful blogger, but that’s never been what this blog is about.
I’m sharing my heart and soul here, and my heart and soul don’t have deadlines so I’m finally fully embracing that.
Even though it’s “wrong” or “unprofessional” or whatever, I’m going to just keep doing what I want here. This is my safe space to share whatever I want to share, and I’m going to do that whenever I feel like it, not on specific days or times that are seen as most profitable or whatever.
This is absolutely no shade to anyone who follows a posting schedule; I’m just finally embracing the fact that that doesn’t work for me anymore. Following a schedule doesn’t feel aligned with me anymore, so I’m saying fuck it.
I’m not going to promise that I’ll have blog posts up at the same time or day every week. I’m not going to promise that you’ll get consistently consistent content from me. But I am going to promise you that you will get high quality content that’s from the heart when it feels aligned for me to share.
If that annoys you, I’m sorry I’m not sorry about it. This blog is first and foremost about me in journal form. How I’m feeling changes a lot, so why shouldn’t my quote unquote posting schedule?
I’m here, and all I can do is be real and open and honest and vulnerable. I can’t schedule vulnerability, and I don’t want to be just writing about anything as long as I maintain a schedule. So I’m cutting out that bullshit.
You’ll get content from me whenever it feels right to me. Sometimes that might mean a few posts a day. Other times it could mean one or less a week. Fuck it. I know my message is more important than when I post about it.
I may not ever be a “super successful” blogger in the traditional sense, but that’s never been my goal. You are my goal. Being real with you is my goal. And I can’t do that if I’m concerned about following an arbitrary schedule.
I just want you to know that whether you hear from me several times a day or a few times a month (or anywhere in between), I’m here for you and ready to be open and honest and vulnerable with you when it feels right.
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash