No, seriously. It’s time to strip down and show other people our nakedness.
Hear me out here.
We live so much of our lives covered by extra expectations, unwritten rules, trying to conform, hiding parts of who we are. All in order to avoid being judged.
But what’s the point?!
Why live life if we’re pretending to be other people or hiding big parts of our personalities and souls?
Get naked. Peel back the layers you’ve been hiding from your friends, family members, coworkers. Show everyone the real you.
What’s the worst that can happen? Sure, some people might judge you. But they’d probably judge you no matter what you do, so why not try to put yourself first?
What would you change in your life if you always put your needs and wants first? Some people think that’s selfish, but at times it’s very necessary for your overall well-being.
There could even be things you’re hiding from yourself, things you don’t want to admit or work through or challenge within you. Trust me, I’ve been there.
Maybe it’s time to talk to a close friend, your significant other, a counselor. Find someone who will really listen to you and help you work through things if that’s what you would like to do. Seriously, I cannot emphasize enough how helpful counseling can be if you’re open and receptive to it. But if not, talking to a friend or loved one can also be very therapeutic.
You can even start to reveal yourself a little bit at a time. Wear bright lipstick once a week. Make a new Spotify playlist with artists you haven’t heard in a while to listen to at work. Read books that you think are interesting even if other people think they might be weird. And go from there!
So, are you ready to get naked?