I’ve been feeling both unproductive and overwhelmed lately. Seems like an oxymoron, right? I feel like I don’t have a moment to myself because I’m always thinking about what I could or should be doing.
…sound familiar? It’s exhausting, right?
I was journaling this morning about how I was feeling, and I wrote down this gem:
Life is so much more than moments of great meaning and importance.
I’ve been caught in the trap of feeling like I need to be spending my time “right” or “correctly,” but what does that even mean?
Not everything has to mean something and be perfect. In fact, most things don’t.
So here’s to the moments that are dull and meaningless and wasteful and boring and any other potentially negative words.
You don’t have to earn a worthy place in life by exchanging moments for being productive. A moment can just be a moment, and that doesn’t make you any more or less worthy of your dreams and goals and plans and purpose.
Take this blog post, for example. I’m not really saying much or adding anything new or deep to the conversations on the internet. And that’s okay! I’m writing and sharing how I feel, and that’s valid enough without having to justify it further, you know?
I don’t have to only post productive or really well thought-out or compelling and thought-provoking things. I can post whatever I feel like, and it’ll still be valid all on its own.
So here’s to doing less and being intentional with it because life is too short to always be chasing productivity and worthiness.
Do the thing you want to do and don’t worry about the results or the greater purpose beyond making you happy in the moment. The rest can wait.
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash