Photo by Gianna Trewavas on Unsplash
Becoming who you were always meant to be is a very long process. Some days are freaking amazing, and other days are tiring and frustrating.
I still don’t know 100% what my true purpose is or if I’m doing anything right, but each day I make a commitment to keep trying to get out of my comfort zone.
I believe we all are just trying to do our best. I need to believe that. If you believe it, too, then I hope you practice and exercise compassion. Some days I’m really great at this and other days I have such a short fuse that it’s ridiculous.
To be honest, I haven’t been trying the best I can these days. I’ve been slacking. Self-improvement is hard work. Blogging is hard work. Life is hard work.
It’s okay that we’re not perfect all the time. We can’t be perfect all the time, but we can try our best and realize that other people are just trying their best as well. Be compassionate with others as well as ourselves.
Part of being vulnerable means admitting when things aren’t going great or perfect. I’m far from a perfect life, but I love it. I’ve also realized how many grudges and how much resentment I’ve carried for so many years. It’s too much.
As I mentioned in my recent favorites post, I’ve been working my way through Soul Coaching by Denise Linn. I believe this book has been absolutely invaluable to me because it’s made me think and rethink myself, my past and my present. Frankly it’s made me more uncomfortable than comfortable when reading it, and I’m grateful for that.
As that well-known quote says, life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
As uncomfortable and emotional as I’ve been while reading this book, I can just tell that I’ve grown so much. The book really makes you think about beliefs you hold, when you first started to believe them, how those beliefs have shaped the entire course of your life, etc.
It’s just very startling to me because you believe certain things for so long, without really wondering if they’re actually true or not. I wouldn’t change anything about my past because it made me who I am, but it’s crazy to think how different my life would be if I’d read this book or challenged my internal beliefs sooner.
This book has also gotten me on a very deep cleaning and de-cluttering rampage. Josh and I have donated, sold, gotten rid of or tossed so many things, and it seems like that process is just never ending.
It feels so incredibly good to get rid of things you don’t like anymore or that you just don’t use anymore. I got rid of quite a few pieces of clothing, too. I didn’t hate everything I got rid of, but I just wasn’t feeling them anymore.
For the items we’ve kept, we’ve done a lot of reorganizing and I’ve made spreadsheets for what books, movies and TV shows we own so we don’t accidentally keep buying duplicates. I plan to do the same for all the games we have soon.
Basically, this book has made me take stock of my life for what it is right now. It’s been a great blessing to see what’s been going really well and what areas I can still improve in. I’m definitely not perfect by any means, but I’m getting closer to finding and becoming my true self, and that’s very exciting.